Coffee Loft, 4462 Beresford St, Burnaby, BC, V5H 2Y8, food and kindred products

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Coffee Loft

Company Name: Coffee Loft
Status: Active
State: British Columbia
Post: V5H 2Y8
City: Burnaby
Address: 4462 Beresford St
Phone: (604)564-1127
Fax: unknown
Contact Mr: James Hwang
Web site:
SIC code: 2000 Industry group: Food and Kindred Products, Business category: Food and Kindred Products
Overall: Coffee Loft is a business categorized under food and kindred products, which is part of the larger category food and kindred products. Coffee Loft is located at the address 4462 Beresford St in Burnaby, British Columbia V5H 2Y8. The Mr is James Hwang who can be contacted at (604)564-1127.
Description: Discover Coffee Loft, your go-to Burnaby coffee shop at 4462 Beresford St. Indulge in expertly crafted coffee and espresso drinks, from classic lattes to innovative seasonal brews. Our cafe boasts a welcoming ambiance with comfortable seating, free Wi-Fi, and a 4-star Google rating, making it the perfect spot for work, relaxation, or socializing. Enjoy delicious pastries, sandwiches, and light bites alongside your beverage. At Coffee Loft, we prioritize sustainability and ethically source our beans. Visit us today and experience the Burnaby coffee shop difference.
Working hours: Monday To Saturday: 08:00 AM To 08:00 PM; Sunday: 09:00 AM To 07:00 PM

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